“Jeunes hommes avides, croyez-moi. Il n’existe que deux manières de gagner la partie: jouer coeur ou tricher. Tricher est difficile; un tricheur pris est battu. Jouer coeur est simple. Il faut en avoir, voilà tout. Vous vous croyez sans coeur. Vous regardez mal vos cartes.”
(Jean Cocteau)
Sithanenomics will lead us to oblivion
The unlikeliest of turnarounds and the most splendid of image makeovers …all in barely seven days. And in came the new Che, the guardian of public weal, the one man that understands the pain of the downtrodden, the Honourable Sithanen who discovered that winning the heart of the population only meant the sacrifice of macroeconomic policies. How the governing alliance morphed from one that collected scandals as badges to a caring government might stun some, but not the thinking man. 2010 is not that far away and the clock has started ticking…
The application of internationally accepted standards might be lauded by several experts but no one should be fooled, the deepening of the trenches between the rich and the poor is well under way. While the microeconomic decisions now afford some breathing space to those in dire need, the absence of any clear cut long term vision is appalling but should not surprise anyone. Sithanen as highly knowledgeable as he claims he is in his field does lack the ability to go beyond what has been laid down in books; a boon so important in the long term survival of a nation. Alain Ah-Vee’s words might not rank high on the flowery language meter but he said it best; “Enn Minis Finans ti bizin pli prevwayan”. Unable to sow the seeds for the building of a new Mauritius during his mandate, Navin should know that as good a storyteller he is, the absence of any real change will lead to his fall from grace and ultimate downfall.
Let not the formidable post-budget PR campaign by the governing alliance blind you from the future economic hurdles that await our motherland. For this promise-laden budget raises even more questions than before. Will the hype generated by the micro initiatives geared at creating the ‘Maurice Ile Durable’ be translated into reality? How does the economic mastermind that Sithanen is tame the inflation beast? How do we put a halt to the continued disintegration of moral values and tackle the law and order issue? How do we breathe new life into the various ailing sectors of our economy? The jury is out and the countdown has begun…
Chetan Ramchurn