From the heart...
"Quand le sage désigne la lune, l'idiot regarde le doigt "
Chinese Proverb
Dear MMM,
Your ears must be hurting by now with all the foul things that have been said about you over the last few weeks. Fuelled by media propagandists that are bent on putting you in that most insufferable political coffin, the anti-MMM movement has seemingly gathered enough ammunition to threaten your 40-year old journey. Leading this pack is the personal friend of world leaders, the God-anointed Saviour of the people, Navin. The Chosen One in yet another of his hubristic fits even predicted that he will be the one with the shovel gleefully digging your grave and who will reduce you to political abyss.
But are all those that have made themselves heard filled with destructive venom? No, a few who genuinely care about your wellbeing have been prescribing medication that will help keep the ‘zom magouyeurs’ and similar diseases away. G.Ahnee pertinently raised the need for clarification on the values and the vision you stand for and posed to your followers a question that has been addling the minds of most of us; ‘Quel est le sens de votre combat?’
Let me add my voice to his, for this perceived dearth of ideas and absence of farsightedness has been plaguing you since 2005. There is the need to come forward with credible solutions to the following strategic issues; how do we reduce the gap between the haves and have-nots, do we keep an archaic education system that thrives on parrot learning or do we finally set the bases for a thinking society, how do we put reins on the capitalism beast and help create a greener society. My beloved MMM, what you need more than anything at this defining moment of your existence is lifeblood in the form of strong ideas, and they, unlike some of your members, will not waver with time…
Let me also request that you do not forget the reasons that have lead some of your children to leave your bosom. Some of your disillusioned disciples felt (and I believe that their case was not totally unfounded) that the last promotion exercise was one that did not give much consideration to meritocracy and was merely a public relations exercise that had been amateurly executed. Let us all hope that other meritorious candidates who have been denied that much-sought ticket for a ride on the power wagon will choose patience over haste and will remain steadfast in their commitment. Let us also pray that the internal wars finally cease and that your members stop tearing you apart. It is not too late to get yourself rid of the haughty young and old incompetents that pretend to love you only for their personal gains. Not when you have able people that are sincere in their dedication but who are overlooked.
The MMM cannot afford to fail. Not now. Now when the country’s future looks bleak and you are its sole ray of hope…
Your loving son,
Chetan Ramchurn
P.S: May I remind all of your adherents of their pledge when they joined the party
« Tout membre du MMM doit se plier a la discipline du Parti, militer activement au sein du Parti, étudier l’histoire du MMM, s’imprégner de ses valeurs, s’efforcer de se doter d’une solide formation politique, se mêler au peuple et y rester proche et au besoin l’aider, pratiquer l’ entraide avec les camarades du Parti, pratiquer l’autocritique quand nécessaire, n’avoir aucune activité ou conduite qui puisse nuire a l’image du Parti … »
Monday, April 20, 2009
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